Neptune's Necklace in Mother Nature's tidal zone
Fact is, Mother Nature doesn’t need us – but we need her.
Harsh words but after all we are a part of nature.
When we tire of all the politics, crime, aggression, harmful man-made constructs and narratives, we have a responsibility for our actions, our survival, while contributing to the wellbeing of others.
So here’s a case for following nature’s way.
Firstly, some popular definitions of Mother Nature
“the phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals, the landscape, and other features and products of the earth, as opposed to humans or human creations”
“all the animals, plants, and other things in the world that are not made by people, and all the events and processes that are not caused by people”
“a female or thing that creates, nurtures, protects something”
“that which gives birth to something, is the origin or source of something, or nurtures in the manner of a mother”
Consider the view of science broadcaster, zoologist and retired genetics professor, David Suzuki:
“we are of the earth, every cell in our bodies, formed by molecules derived from plants, animals, inflated by water, energised by sunlight, ignited by atmospheric oxygen derived through the process of plant photosynthesis”
Clearly we come from and belong to Mother Nature
Of course we can remain childlike, disregarding her in our rush to grow, indulge and succeed. Even cursing her during fires, cyclones, eruptions and floods, should she strike at our livelihood or soul.
We talk of “natural disasters” but these are man-made constructs, as nature is acting “naturally”.
We even assume dominion over her, but time is on her side. She will continue to evolve with or without us.
The lesson for us all – we need to reflect on, understand and respond to nature’s way.
To do this we have to clear ourselves from the harmful man-made narratives we have set ourselves and explore beyond the city limits.
Mother Earth has been an age old reference
Long before the narratives and belief systems of two or three thousand years, the Indigenous Peoples of the world referred to Mother Earth, not as some romantic notion, but literally in respect for their beginnings. Their knowledge and wisdom, their survival, responsibility toward and equality with all species. In one word – “belonging”.
This is at the heart of Australia’s First People’s creation belief, their connection to country spanning over 60,000 years or more.
Ever so slowly, modern science is now proving the belief in Mother Earth to be right.
Mother Nature deserves a place in all man-made initiatives and decisions
The one critical question for all individuals, corporate and government decision makers to address, is the future health of the Sacred Elements on which we depend for survival. Born in the ancient wisdoms, this is a critical starting point for all discussion.
Clean air
Clean water
Clean soil
Clean energy
All of which are created, cleansed and renewed by nature, subject to mankind causing imbalance.
Added to these are concerns over the health of biodiversity itself, love and social connection of all species.
In rational discussion there is unlikely to be dispute over the reality of these core fundamentals, as David Suzuki has discovered. But we do know politicians are driven by re-election and short term governance; corporate growth and policy determining employment security – the economic narrative.
Essentially, if mother nature doesn’t thrive then mankind will be sick and economics increasingly impacted. If our resources or natural capital are beyond replenishment or renewal, economics will go into free-fall across wide ranging supply chains.
How do you respond to Mother Nature as an individual
There are at least four options open to the individual.
1. Support conservation and worthy green goals trapped in the economic narrative, divisive interests and arguments. Environmental battles have not changed in context over decades. Further, battles won today can be diluted or reversed tomorrow. Be resolute but respectful in nurturing the mindsets of others.
2. Connect with self-reliant or driven groups and communities following an alternative life force, potentially ridiculed by mainstream. Be prepared for a significant change in personal life values and practices.
3. Become an informed and enriched individual finding calm in nature’s way through an immersive intent, vital to the soul. Quietly conveying to others, your awareness of the sacred elements, the beauty, mystery and restorative powers of Mother Nature. Your discoveries of projects and people who are quietly on a similar trail, making a difference.
4. Should you be a business owner, senior executive or manager, it is important to consider and responds to the conscious impacts your business and policy decisions are having on the natural world, your footprint or environmental profit and loss. The “shared-good” path your enterprise might possibly take to overcome supply chain risks and security, to enhance the lives of all stakeholders and profit naturally. The regeneration of natural capital, essential to sustainability is a key starting point.
If you don’t seek immersion in nature, how can you learn, understand and respond with informed personal wisdom, to mis-guided or divisive man-made narratives?
How do you convey grass-roots wisdom, calm and balance in nature to younger generations facing Nature Deficiency in their life, caught in a man-made technological age, part of which is threatening to redefine us without our consent?
How does Nature Bound Australia assist with Mother Nature awareness?
We maximise our guest’s exposure to Australia’s natural history and outback wonders. We prioritise visitation to National Park and World Heritage Wilderness areas.
Our travels remain a continuing study of conservation and land management issues throughout regions travelled.
We are continually gaining awareness of Australia’s Indigenous wisdom and culture by assisting guests to experience a connection to country.
We encourage all guests to discover mindfulness and a passive oneness with nature at all times.
Care to share your views and experiences about Mother Nature? You are welcome to comment by email or in the box below this article.
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